/BCO-DMO/Vibrio_Dust_Deposition/Vibrio_sea_surf_microlayer ---- Level 0

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#  Sea Surface Microlayer: Trace Elements
#  Collaborative Proposal: Vibrio as a model microbe for opportunistic heterotrophic response to Saharan dust deposition events in marine waters
#  PI's: E. Lipp (UGA), W. Landing (FSU) E. Ottesen (UGA), M. Wetz (TAMU)
#  Version 2017-08-2
#  sml=sea surface microlayer; uwc=0.3 m depth water column
#  BDL = below detectype: dissolved = passed throulved = passed through 0.2 µm pore sized filter; 
#               reactive_particulate = labile particulate matter retained on 0.2 µm pore sized filter; 
#               refractory_particulate = refractory particulate matter retained on 0.2 µm pore sized filter 